Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Next Den Meeting!!!


The next Den Meeting will be this Saturday, December 1st at 10:00 am.
We will be meeting at the LDS Ward building on Wasatch Drive (Please call me if you need

We will be discussing some new Den policies, brushing up on our Bobcat Basics and wrapping it up with a good ol' snowball fight in the yard! (Provided the snow's still around.)

Please be sure to wear your uniform (with neckerchief) and bring your handbook.

I hope to see everyone there!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Being Better Citizens (11-16-07)

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. (School, Thanksgiving and all that...)

At our last Den Meeting, the Boys and I met with the West Village Den for a fine lesson on being a better citizen.

But I on the other hand, I got a great lesson on some Den Leader how-to's! (Thanks, D.B.!)

Take a look!

The Cubs got to mingle a little before the opening ceremonies kicked off.

It was great to see the Pack work together!

Eventually, it was on to business!
The goal for the meeting was for the boys to earn their Citizenship Belt Loop. That meant there were a few tasks the Cubs had to perform to make it happen.

The first step was to make a list of chores the guys would perform at home to help out their parents.
(I hope you did them, fellas. I'll be sure to ask your folks! ;-)

After the chore list, the Cubs drew pictures on how they could be better citizens in their communities.

Here's M.S. and S.W. brainstorming on how they can do their best!

Don't forget M.D. and J.W.!
They also drew pictures on how to be better citizens.

Once the posters were complete, they jumped right into the service project.
The Cubs made newborn baby hats for poorer families all over the world.

It looks like D.S. has got a handle on the folding!

And here's V.Z. with the finished products. All together, the boys made over one hundred hats that day.

It was a proud moment.

Well, the Thanksgiving Holiday has come and gone.
I hope everybody got plenty to eat!

Our next get together is going to happen this weekend.
It might be a Pack Meeting....
or it might be a field trip....
or we might just be meeting at the LDS Ward as usual...
But one way or another, we will be meeting this weekend!

Never fear, Parents. I'll be in touch with each and every one of you by Wednesday, the 28th with the details.

Please pardon the technical difficulties!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Schedule Change!!!


Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the Pack Meeting for this Friday has been canceled.

Instead, our Cubs will be meeting with the West Village Den at the LDS Stake Center on Sunnyside this Friday at 3:00 pm.

We will be knocking out the requirements for the Citizenship Belt Loop as well as building inter-pack relations!

It's sure to be a good time.
I hope to see all our boys there.

Thanks a bunch.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Look at Autism (11-10-07)

This week, the boys took a tour of the Carmen B. Pingree School for Children With Autism.
While there, they learned about what Autism is, how the school functions and how Autism affects their fellow scout, V.Z.

Take a look!

Here's our host, Ms. Robin!
She was nice enough to teach the Scouts and lead the tour.
Thanks to her instruction and years of experience, the boys are a lot more savvy about Autism and how it affects other people.

She definitely gets a big "THANK YOU!"

While there, the Den got to see how the classrooms were set up and they even got to practice their American Sign Language by reciting the Law of the Pack and the Cub Scout Motto!

Once the tour was over, the Cubs were treated to a session at the Pingree playground!

The tire swing was by far, the MVP!

But that doesn't mean the boys didn't enjoy the other stuff, too.

Who's that standing next to M.G.P?

That's our newest Cub, M.S!
He comes to us all the way from Kansas.
Welcome aboard!

Yep, the boys had a lot of fun.
And in our usual stealthy way, the fun they experienced was layered with learning and knowledge that they'll hopefully carry for the rest of their lives!

Good work, Guys!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

How sweet it is...

This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend the GSLC Pow-Wow held at Juan Diego HS.
From all across the valley, people came together to exchange information and share in the experience of being a Cub Scout Leader.

For me, the event helped me develop better as a leader and taught me valuable skills that can hopefully make our program one to remember!

Oh yeah. And I finally finished my BSA Basic Training, too.
You know what that means...

I really envy the boys sometimes.
I had forgotten how cool it felt to earn a Boy Scout badge.

Anyhow, I'd recommend attending a Pow-Wow to any leaders that wished to improve themselves and their Cub Scout life. It was a wonderful occasion and I'll be sure to go to next year.

They had quite the spread!

Hey! It's D.B. from the West Village Den!
I guess great minds do think alike!

I've got to give her an honorable mention for all the helpful in-the-trenches info she imparted to me.
Thanks for all the helpful advice!

He shoots, HE SCORES!!! (11-01-07)

The Thursday night Broomball meeting was an absolute hit!!!
The boys got a kick out of running drills, relays and scrimmaging. In the end, the boys were sweaty tired and happy.

When I inquired as to whether or not the boys would like to try again on a later date, the answer was a unanimous "YES!"

The ADL and I were very proud of them. They scrambled hard and gave it their all. Next time, we'll work on some player-to-player defense and scrimmage a whole lot more!

Great work, guys!

Alright, everyone. Check your schedules!
Ms. Gochnour was beside herself for forgetting to let us into the school on 10-20-07, she has offered to teach the Den about V.Z's disability, Autism.

As such, our next meeting will be held at the Carmen B. Pingree School for Children With Autism. It will be held on Saturday, 11-10-07 at 10:00 am.

Incidentally, this course will count towards the GSLC “Ability Awareness Patch,” which is awarded to Cub Scouts who take the time to learn about what it means to be disabled.
I hope to see you all there. Map!