Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Doing the Right Thing... (12-08-07)

This past Saturday, the boys and I discussed the importance of making good decisions and listening to our conscience.

We went over a few social scenarios and talked about how the right way isn't always the easiest way.

The boys were very smart and insightful when it came to doing the right thing. Pat yourselves on the back Parents, because the Cubs are listening to all your great counsel!

Anywho, all the Scouts that attended this meeting were checked off for Achievement #12 in the Wolf Handbook. Huzzah!

Our next gathering will be the December Pack Meeting to be held this Friday (12-14-07) at the LDS Church Building on Wasatch Drive. It will start promptly at 6:30 pm.

This is going to be a great meeting!!!
We've got a ton of awards to give out and two of our Cubs will be receiving their Wolf Badges!
The Pack Leadership has even worked out a special ceremony to make the occasion one to remember.

I hope to see everyone there.

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