Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Night to Remember...(2-22-08)

The Blue and Gold Banquet was a complete success.

The guys really put their best feet forward.
There was plenty of food, plenty of awards and plenty of laughs thanks to the skits put on by both dens.

Take a look!

The Sunnyside Gym was a great venue for the banquet.
We had a great parental turnout, too!

After dinner came the entertainment.
Our guys were great on stage, if I do say so myself!

Our Den performed the "J.C. Penney" skit.
I think we'll start doing more of these. The boys really ate the whole acting experience up!

There were plenty of awards that went out for both dens.
But as usual, advancements are King! Here's our very own J.W. being inducted into the Order of the Wolf,

Don't forget the proud papa!

Finally, one of the West Village Cubs had the honor of receiving the Arrow of Light award. This was a great Cub milestone, so he deserves an honorable mention. Congratulations!

In the end, all the boys and their families had a great time and enjoyed the fellowship that comes with scouting. But now the bar's been raised and it's up to us to make next year's Blue and Gold better than ever!

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