Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Feel the Burn!...(4-4-08)

Our first meeting of April, the den got together to exercise their bodies and learn all about what it means to be fit and develop healthy habits.

The ADL has us working pretty hard.
We started with a set of sit-ups...

...and then followed the circuit up with some jumping-jacks...


...and finally wrapped up the circuit with a brisk run.

Once that was done, we did the whole thing all over again!

But it wasn't all work.
Once we were done exercising, we closed the meeting with a great game of Broomball!

All the kids participated.
We even had the chance to show our new scouts how the game was played.

I was proud of all my guys.
And while we put in a great workout that day, I hope that all our scouts will do their best and keep exercising every day.

Thanks go out to our ADL L.W. for setting up the training and putting the class together.

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