Thursday, June 12, 2008

Next Den Meeting! (6-14-08)

Our next Den Meeting will be this Saturday (6-14-08) at 10 am.
We will be meeting at the LDS Building on Capecchi Drive. (Wasatch)

For our activity, the Den will be earning their Collecting Belt Loop.
At first, we'll be discussing the importance of a collecting hobby as well as talking about how much fun it can be.
Afterwards, I would like each Cub to bring a collection of objects they own and give a small presentation about it to the den. How they got it...Why they collect it...It's kind of "Show & Tell" with a purpose.
(This activity will also cover Wolf Acheivement #6.)

By the way, Leaders are encouraged to bring a collection of their own to show off!

Please inform me if you have any questions.

See you there,

Tom Z.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading your blog - you have some great photos and interesting woggles! Akela Joy at