Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What to bring to meetings...

Guys, it's up to us to be our best when we assemble for a Den or Pack meeting.

That means that when we muster, there are some things we've got to have with us :

-Uniform Shirt-
Make sure your uniform shirt is neat and tidy because how we look often influences how people think about us. The short sleeve shirt is the only required uniform item according to the Pack standard established by the Cubmaster.

An unusual uniform requirement, to be sure. But for a Cub Scout Leader, these yellow (or blue) beauties serve as an excellent way to keep track of our boys. A quick tally of the neckerchiefs and ta-da, instant headcount! Other than a shirt, this is the only uniform requirement I'll ever place on the Den. Thankfully, it's pretty inexpensive.

(Parents: While new uniform articles aren't cheap, there are several online uniform exchanges that sell used stuff for great prices! E-mail me if you have any questions.)

-Wolf / Bear Handbook-
Fellas, it's up to me to keep track of your advancement towards awards. That being said, I ask that you always, always, ALWAYS bring your handbook to the Den or Pack meetings. After all, I can't advance you if I don't see your handbook checklists!

-A Good Attitude-
Being a Cub Scout means being ready to come together to work as a team. The Den can't function if it's full of bullies, class clowns and lollygaggers. Come ready to learn, play and have fun!

That's it.
If you bring all these things to each and every meeting, we'll be on our way to being the best Den in the Pack!

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