Saturday, September 1, 2007

Preparing for the Red Butte Day Hike

Our next meeting will be a day hike through beautiful Red Butte Canyon!

The Hike Particulars:
The hike will take place on Saturday, September 8. The Cubs will assemble in two different areas. Participants living in the University East Village will meet in the 1300 Court promptly at 8:00 am. From there, the Cubmaster will transport everyone to the trailhead. As for the Cubs living in Medical Towers or Shoreline Ridge, they will meet at the Shoreline Ridge playground at 8:00 am and then walk to the trailhead.

We will be hiking the Northern portion of the Red Butte Skyline Trail (solid red line) to a deer gate that will gain us entrance into the Red Butte Botanical Garden. It's a pretty moderate hike for boys, but the views are positively stunning! The group will take a short snack break on the mountain before entering the Garden. Once in the garden, the group will proceed to the Children's Garden to play in the exhibits and cool off after the long walk. Once that's done, we'll walk down the gardens and exit through the main entrance, paying admission as we leave (more to come). Then we'll return to the trailhead.

The whole hike will take about three and a half hours, so its best to set aside the whole morning for the activity.

What to Bring:
Hiking is tough hobby to enjoy. Therefore, it's best that each Scout be prepared with the right equipment so they can get the most out of the outdoor experience!

Right. Before we proceed, every Cub must have a signed and completed Informed Consent Agreement. This little darlin' keeps all our boys insured in case of an accident.

As for equipment, I've prepared this packing list to present some gear every Cub should carry.

-> Neckerchief: This is our only mandatory uniform item. It'll keep our unit integrity and protect little necks from sunburn.

-> Shoes: Make sure your Cub has a good worn-in pair of shoes to hike in. The trail can be ruthless to unprepared feet. (Sneakers will work.)

-> Hat: A good hat will give additional protection against the sun. Wide-brimmed hats are preferred.

-> Food: A snack break will be taken at the hike high-point before we enter the Garden. Each Scout should bring some food to replenish their energy. Nothing too fancy, though. Standard sack lunch fare should be fine.

-> Water: I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but it is going to be hot. Make sure your boy's got plenty of water because dehydration is a real danger!

-> Sunscreen: Sun + Skin = Sunburn. This is a parental no-brainer! ;-)

-> Bug Repellent: The butte's got a ton of flies, ticks and mosquitoes eager to sink their proboscises into human youth. But a little bit of bug juice should be enough to fend them off!

-> Rain Gear: Just in case! A slicker or a poncho should be enough.

->Towel: The Garden's children area is full of fountains and wet areas where the boys can rinse the trail dust off them. That in mind, it may be a good idea to bring them something they can dry off with.

-> Backpack: Well, we've got to have something to haul this stuff in. Giving your Cub a backpack gives them something to be responsible for and prepares them for more advanced outings.

Ok, that's all I can think up for now.
If there are any questions, please drop me an e-mail ( .

Considering just how much the boys wanted to go on this hike, I hope that every parent will endeavor to join their son in this experience.
It's sure to build memories to last a lifetime!

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