Monday, November 26, 2007

Being Better Citizens (11-16-07)

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. (School, Thanksgiving and all that...)

At our last Den Meeting, the Boys and I met with the West Village Den for a fine lesson on being a better citizen.

But I on the other hand, I got a great lesson on some Den Leader how-to's! (Thanks, D.B.!)

Take a look!

The Cubs got to mingle a little before the opening ceremonies kicked off.

It was great to see the Pack work together!

Eventually, it was on to business!
The goal for the meeting was for the boys to earn their Citizenship Belt Loop. That meant there were a few tasks the Cubs had to perform to make it happen.

The first step was to make a list of chores the guys would perform at home to help out their parents.
(I hope you did them, fellas. I'll be sure to ask your folks! ;-)

After the chore list, the Cubs drew pictures on how they could be better citizens in their communities.

Here's M.S. and S.W. brainstorming on how they can do their best!

Don't forget M.D. and J.W.!
They also drew pictures on how to be better citizens.

Once the posters were complete, they jumped right into the service project.
The Cubs made newborn baby hats for poorer families all over the world.

It looks like D.S. has got a handle on the folding!

And here's V.Z. with the finished products. All together, the boys made over one hundred hats that day.

It was a proud moment.

Well, the Thanksgiving Holiday has come and gone.
I hope everybody got plenty to eat!

Our next get together is going to happen this weekend.
It might be a Pack Meeting....
or it might be a field trip....
or we might just be meeting at the LDS Ward as usual...
But one way or another, we will be meeting this weekend!

Never fear, Parents. I'll be in touch with each and every one of you by Wednesday, the 28th with the details.

Please pardon the technical difficulties!

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